

Governance is a concept referring to the actions and processes by which stable practices and organizations arise and persist. These actions and processes may operate in formal and informal organizations of any size. At the public sector, governance coveys the rules by which institutions manage public affairs and public resources within a framework that guarantees the rule of law, oversight, transparency, accountability and the fight against corruption. Given its importance, governance has become one of the most important requirements for organizing work, setting systems and rules for managing and controlling institutions, and applying the method of practicing good management. Today, it is considered as one of the main foundations for achieving sustainable growth and sustainable development goals.

With this regard, API addresses this topic through several training programs that it offers in the context of building and developing human capacities for various Arab institutions, including "Governance and Institutional Reform in the Government Sector", "Institutional and Human Development", and "Creative Leadership and Institutional Excellence". In this context, API focuses on reviewing many successful experiences and studying the different aspects of governance and analyzing its various indicators, including World Bank governance indicators covering expression and accountability, political stability, absence of violence and terrorism, government effectiveness, quality of organization, rule of law and combating corruption.

Besides, API provides consultancy and institutional support to various Arab countries, especially in the context of reviewing governance frameworks. In addition, many research programs and publications are related to governance issues.